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  1. E

    Audi Etron Q4 vs. GT

    The GT and Q4 are built on completely different platforms. The GT is on the J1 platform which was designed earlied than the Q4's MEB platform. This is why the Q4 has newer tech features even though it costs less.
  2. E

    Spare parts for my e-tron

    Did you ever find those part umbers?
  3. E

    Backup Camera Hood

    It is good. Just one tip, though. Clean it well before installation. I had to redo mine because there was a liitle dust speck that was driving me nuts. It took me 10 minutes to install it.
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    Official dates for the release of the A6 E-Tron

    Hi! Any official dates for the release of the A6 E-Tron? I know we were told that early 2025 would be the time for that.
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    Car refuses to charge at home or in the city

    Hi! Do you have any updates on this? I have a friend who got into a similar situation. An update would really help, please!
  6. E

    Real-World Range of the Q8 e-tron

    It really depends on lots of factors: driving habits, road and weather conditions, the features you are using, and so on. On short, you will never get the range they advertise. To this day, I still don't know how they come up with those numbers.
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    baby car seats

    I have got a Q8, and two rear-facing car seats fit comfortably in the back with plenty of legroom up front. Once you move to forward-facing seats, the space feels even more generous. As for the trunk, it handles a big stroller and a couple of suitcases with ease. It is super practical for family...
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    2024 Audi e-tron Q3 was stolen two weeks ago

    I hope posting in this forum is not the only thing you have done in these two weeks. Have you contacted the Audi?
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    E-tron at the dealership for 7 weeks

    hey! Because of the Electrical System Malfunction, my car has been at the dealership for almost 7 weeks now. I don't have any idea what to do to make them give me my car back...
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    Issues while connecting to fast chargers

    Hi! I had a long trip with my E-tron that made me less confident about going to another one. I left home with full charge. Before getting it below the 50-mile range, I wanted to charge it. And here comes the uncool part. I had to try 7 fast chargers to manage charging my car. It didn't want...
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    Audi Connect Service not working on Q4 E-tron

    Thanks for replying! I bought it here in Korea, where I am at the moment.
  12. E

    Q8 E-tron 55 or Q6 E-tron?

    Hey everyone, I am curious to know. Why would someone choose the Q8 E-tron 55 over the Q6 E-tron? What would your reasons be?
  13. E

    Audi Connect Service not working on Q4 E-tron

    Hello! I am new to the forum. I just bought a new Q4 E-tron, but I can't make Audi Connect Service work for it. I can't do anything remotely, like opening the car without the key, turning on the A/C, or checking the battery. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!

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