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  1. T

    Steering issue

    You could totally try turning off the lane keep assist for a few days and see if that stops the shaking. If it does, turn it back on and see if the shake comes back. From what I’ve seen, the lane assist can be way too sensitive sometimes, so I usually keep it off unless I'm on a long highway cruise.
  2. T

    Puddle and interior lights ON

    That ain't normal if they're staying on for no reason. Might be a setting or maybe something's just glitching out.
  3. T

    2017 e-tron: steal or skip?

    Thanks for the tips! I’ll definitely keep an eye on the battery health and software updates, don’t want any surprises creeping up. I’ll also be on the lookout for the other important stuff you guys mentioned. Gonna have a mechanic give it a once-over to make sure everything’s looking solid...
  4. T

    2017 e-tron: steal or skip?

    Found a 2017 e-tron with around 38k miles for $20k. Seems like a deal, but I'm new to EVs. What are the common pitfalls with this model? Any specific parts I should check during the inspection? Don’t wanna get stuck with a lemon!

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