Anyone Else Struggling with DC Charging in the Cold?

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Hey everyone! Quick question for yall about DC charging in winter. I’m super curious about your experiences. Winter is creeping up fast, and I need to get my e-tron ready since it hasn’t faced the chilly season yet!

Last winter, my sister struggled a bit with DC charging her Q4. Depending on the charger brand, she was lucky to hit more than 22 kWh most of the time. The one time she managed to snag around 60 kWh was like a miracle, but that was a total fluke! So I’m kinda worried I might run into the same issues this winter.

What about you guys? How did DC charging treat you during the cold months? Any tips on squeezing the most juice out of fast chargers when the temps drop? Thanks!
Many EVs have pre-conditioning features that allow you to warm up the battery before charging. This can help the battery charge faster in cold weather.
Heard battery temp control was supposed to be a thing for the 2024 Q4 e-trons. Do you happen to see that option chilling anywhere in the MMI?
the car has a system to prevent charging if it's too cold. Basically, it won't let you charge until the battery is warm enough. That's why it's a good idea to keep your battery more full in the winter. With a decent charge, you can use some of it to warm up the battery before plugging in. But if you're running on fumes, you might not even have enough power to get to a charger, let alone warm the battery up for charging.

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